Our objective for this pitch is to show your topic is worthy of semester-long study by explaining to your classmates the varying positions on your chosen issue and your personal investment in it

show your topic is worthy of semester-long study by explaining to your classmates the varying positions

our objective for this pitch is to show your topic is worthy of semester-long study by explaining to your classmates the varying positions on your chosen issue and your personal investment in it. Your personal investment means the reasons you care about the issue, not what you think about it. The purpose is not to argue a stance on the issue, as this opportunity will come later in the semester. You will want to draw on research to support your claims about the varying positions and incorporate contextual information to frame your topic. /// I want to talk about the media “romanticizing” drug use and sex among teens  but I have to make it interesting / I care about this issue because people die from it and I’ve had family die from it

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