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Academic help online

Chapter 11, pg. 427: Denver Goes Alfresco (50 points)
Chapter 11, pg. 432: Firewire Surfboards Light Up with CAD (40 points)
Chapter 12, pg. 476: Colgate-Palmolive Keeps Managers Smiling with Executive Dashboards (60 points)
For each of these, only answer the case study questions associated with them found at the end of the discussion. You do not need to answer the “MIS in Action” questions.

• Chapter 11, pg. 427: Denver Goes Alfresco (50 points)

1. What types of problems was the consolidated city-county government of Denver, Colorado, experiencing with document management before instituting the Alfresco ECM system?
2. How did the Alfresco ECM system provide a solution to these problems?
3. What management, organization, and technology issues had to be addressed in selecting and implementing Denver’s new content management system?
4. How did the new content management system change governmental processes for Denver?
How did it benefit citizens?
• Chapter 11, pg. 432: Firewire Surfboards Light Up with CAD (40 points)

1. Analyze Firewire using the value chain and competitive forces models.
2. What strategies is Firewire using to differentiate its product, reach its customers, and persuade them to buy its products?
3. What is the role of CAD in Firewire’s business model?
4. How did the integration of online custom board design software (CBD), CAD, and computer numerical control (CNC) improve Firewire’s operations?

• Chapter 12, pg. 476: Colgate-Palmolive Keeps Managers Smiling with Executive Dashboards (60 points)

1. Describe the different types of business intelligence users at Colgate-Palmolive.
2. Describe the “people” issues that were affecting Colgate’s ability to use business intelligence.
3. What management, organization, and technology factors had to be addressed in providing business intelligence capabilities for each type of user?
4. What kind of decisions does Colgate’s new business intelligence capability support? Give three examples. What is their potential business impact?

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