Academic help online

Academic help online

Cybercrime is a growing problem in today’s societies; and various cybercrime units are
working diligently to identify, locate, capture, and indict those criminals.
Suppose you are a Senior Information Technology Specialist working for one of these
agencies. What type of IT tools would you use to assist law enforcement agents with
their investigation tasks? Please explain and justify your answer.
Question 2:
e-Commerce is another recent phenomenon. There are many merchants conducting
online business transactions using the Internet. Since there are a lot of commercial web
sites available to public; buyers have the opportunity to spend some time on the
Internet, and shop around. Potential buyers revisit some of these sites repeatedly;
exploring quality, price, availability, refund policy, fast delivery, free shipping, etc.
You are working as an Information Technology Manager for an online business.
Propose a solution on how to attract/capture most (if not all) of these potential buyers to

purchase their goods from your web site. Please explain and justify your answer.

Academic help online

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