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554 Week 4 Assignment 2 Implementing Software Development Project Management Be
Imagine you are an advisory board member for a Fortune 500 organization, representing the Information Technology Division. Your organization is looking forward to expanding its mobile software development platform and optimizing software project management practices. Specific organizational goals include minimizing software development costs and improving the reliability of mobile applications. As a member, you are asked to qualify methodologies and recommend best practices for optimizing software development.

Research frameworks that may be used for meeting the organization’s goals and consider best practices for software project management strategies for this project.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

Describe how the development-process framework provides opportunities for streamlining software development, increasing quality, and minimizing risk. Explain the distinct focus areas that exist within system engineering and software development. Note: Refer to Figure 2.1B in Chapter 2 of the textbook for information on process frameworks for developing software-intensive systems.
Compare and contrast at least two (2) traditional software development process models with respect to iterative-development process models. Provide details on the various benefits and challenges that each method offers for an aggressive mobile development strategy.
Determine at least three (3) risks that may occur if the requirements engineering process is not properly followed. Speculate on how failing to perform these processes may lead to project failure. Include examples to support your answer.

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