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Policy Development Paper

With your instructor’s approval, select one of the following topics for your paper:

Community-Oriented Policing
Terrorism–Security Policy for Large Events
Leave Policy for officers to work with governments in foreign countries
Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Policy
Human Trafficking Policy
Organized Crime Policy
Cyberspace/Technology Policy
Educational and Training Policy for officers, mid-level managers and executives
Reducing prison overcrowding

Prepare a 2,100-2,800- word paper in which you research the relevant statistics, facts, resources, and public opinions to develop your own local, statewide, or federal policy related to your selected topic. Your policy paper should include statistical, factual, and public opinion history information which supports your policy claim. Be sure to identify all stakeholders (e.g., politicians, judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, correctional officers and administrators, law enforcement officers and administrators, victims, law-abiding citizens, etc.) and their opinions as it relates to your proposed policy and how politics may impact its implementation. Additionally, provide policy recommendations and the rationale for these recommendations and their impact on contemporary criminal justices issues and globalization.

Cite your references properly consistent with APA guidelines.

Note. In addition to the University Library, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service has many articles reflecting contemporary criminal justice policies.

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