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[08:49, 01/05/2015] ……..: Part 1:Organising learning to use an information or knowledge management system (40%)- Task Description Read the case the case study and answer ALL questions. – Task 1 ( Case Study )One of Australia’s largest electronics retail firms, Dick Smith Electronics, was concerned with how its customers dealt with the huge growth in electronic product and product innovation. It engaged a research company to conduct a survey of clients who had recently purchased customer electronics. The major response noted that customers had a fundamental fear of buying the wrong thing. This fear was held by two different classes of consumer: · the ‘electrophiles’, who love electronics but don’t know much about them · the ‘eletrophobes’, who had bought items for a specific purpose only to find they didn’t meet their needs and regretted buying them. A SWOT analysis showed that one of the internal strengths of the company was knowledge of the floor staff. This strength was derived from its heritage as a ‘nerd’s heaven’ where for most of the staff this was a hobby as well as a job. However, this knowledge was perceived by many customers as enhancing their fear as some felt intimidated about their own lack of knowledge when talking to the staff. The company undertook a review of its strategic objectives and new human resource strategies were developed: the training and development budget was increased and a program implemented to help staff see themselves as simplifiers. A ‘Power Squad’ was created to deliver and install product and train the customer in the product’s use. These human resource activities were part of an overall strategy that also included changing the 9 million brochures the company produces a month to include more communication of the product and technology information instead of just pricing. Setting up customer education services in stores and redesigning store layouts to include customer education areas was an additional development. [08:49, 01/05/2015] ……..: Question 1What types of practices, procedures and processes at Dick Smith Electronics allowed for the identification, creation, distribution and adoption of insights and experiences by employees? [08:50, 01/05/2015] ……..: Question 2What are the objectives of the information or knowledge management system at Dick Smith Electronics? How are these objectives achieved? What measures are used to record or monitor this information? [08:51, 01/05/2015] ……..: Question 3Implementing an information or knowledge management system can have several operational imp lications the manager must be aware of. Give examples of some of these implications that may be experienced at Dick Smith Electronics.[08:51, 01/05/2015] ……..: Question 4The ongoing review and evaluation of the information or knowledge management system ensures it stays relevant. Find two other advantages of review and evaluation. Explain how these advantages could affect Dick Smith Electronics over the long term.[08:52, 01/05/2015] ……..: Question 5Identifying stakeholder training requirements and needs from a knowledge system requires research. Give examples of methods Dick Smith Electronics have used, or could consider using in the future, to access customer learning needs.[08:52, 01/05/2015] ……..: Question 6Your suppliers, contractors and those tendering to Dick Smith Electronics may also require the ability to use your knowledge or information management system to enable them to fulfil their requirements. Give two examples of how you might achieve this while maintaining the integrity of your system. [08:53, 01/05/2015] ……..: Question 7As a manager at Dick Smith Electronics, you are responsible for implementing the required training, you need to understand the type of knowledge that is deficient. Briefly explain two different types of knowledge and provide examples of how you may identify a deficiency in each type within your staff. [08:53, 01/05/2015] ……..: Question 8When planning the facilitation or delivery of training the requirements of federal and state legislation must be complied with. List at least three statutes you must be aware of within your organisational (Dick Smith Electronics) context. [08:53, 01/05/2015] ……..: Question 9In the case study above, what are some of the methods you would use to rectify these types of problems? [08:54, 01/05/2015] ……..: Question 10How would you ensure the staff training was valid? Use templates and charts to demonstrate this. [08:54, 01/05/2015] ……..: Question 11What monitoring could you put in place to ensure these changes were effective? What tools would you use to analyse this information?

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