Academic help online

Academic help online
Imagine that you and a group of your fellow classmates own a company that manufactures cheap sunglasses. To lower production costs, you want to move your factory from your developed country to a more cost-effective nation. Choose a prospective country to which you will move production. In your report, please address the following elements.
What elements of the national business environment might affect your move?
Are there obstacles to overcome in the international business environment?
How will managing your company be different when you undertake international activities?
What challenges will you face in managing your new employees?
Please submit your report (2 pages) in .doc or .docx format to the Assignment drop box. Detailed grading rubric is located in the “Syllabus”.
The introduction provides a sufficient background on the topic and previews the major points
Central theme/purpose is immediately clear
Structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow
Subsequent sections develop/support the central theme
Conclusion/recommendations follow logically from the body of the paper
Writer compares/contrasts/integrates theory/subject matter with work environment/experience
At an appropriate level, the writer analyzes and synthesizes theory/practice to develop new ideas and ways of conceptualizing and performing

Academic help online

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