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Instructions Select one of the security technologies you identified in either P1 or P2. Research and evaluate its capabilities, costs, maintenance requirements, flexibility, and feasibility for implementation. The analysis should include pros and cons, potential barriers to success, vulnerabilities eliminated or reduced, convergence issues, first adopters (if the technology is new), and any other issues you deem important to consider.Use the technical evaluation methodology information obtained and discussed in previous courses such as CSIA 303 or 459. The deliverable for this project will be a minimum 5 page, double-spaced paper using Times New Roman 12 font and APA style format. It will also include a minimum of 5 references. The Title/Cover page, illustrations (tables/charts/graphs), or references are not part of the page count but required.. Also the grading rubric can provide more details to include in the paper. The instructor may provide an APA style template to use for this paper.

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