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CJA423 Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice Outline

Race and ethnicity of juvenile offenders

Race and ethnicity in police employment practices

Racial disparity in sentencing

Racial disparity in the application of the death penalty

Racial disparity in correctional populations

Prepare an outline of your 1,750- to 2,450-word paper, due in Week Four, in which you examine your selected topic.
Locate and identify at least three references from scholarly journals, trade publications, or other sources through the Online Library Major Article Database to use in this research paper.
Format your outline and references consistent with APA guidelines.
Submit your outline and list of references as a word document.
**No References as none was needed for the Outline

This Outline is based on racial disparity in capital punishment.

CJA423 Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice Paper

Finalize your 1,750- to 2,450-word paper on the topic you selected during Week Two. Include three references from scholarly journals, trade publications, or other sources from the Online Library Major Article Database.

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