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Academic help online
Expand on my answer below Write a reflective essay that explains how this course has changed and expanded your thinking in a professional and academic sense? Answer: This course has show me as a professional working in this field as physical security instructor for the military. The important implementing all of the new listens learned from this course as: Comparing and contrast federal, state, land local roles in emergency management, doing a risk analysis plan, a risk communication plan, assess the applicability of the five hazard mitigation strategies, assess the ways in which people react to disasters, justify the use of the National Incident management system, design a disaster recovery plan, and assessing the future challenges, and opportunities for emergency management. Share the concepts and issues that were of greatest interest to you and why. How do you plan to apply this new knowledge in your life or profession? Answer: I was greatly interested is the use of the future challenges and opportunities for emergency management. How do I plan to apply this new knowledge? Answer: By doing vulnerability inspection for military this knowledge will allow me to be able to better provide service on writing reports and doing vulnerability risk assessment. Length: 1-2 pages ( per page 350 words) Learning Outcomes: Outcomes Compare and contrast federal, state, and local roles in emergency management. Design a risk analysis plan and a risk communication plan. Assess the applicability of the five hazard mitigation strategies. Assess the ways in which people react to disasters. Justify the use of the National Incident Management System Design a disaster recovery plan. Assess the future challenges and opportunities for emergency management. Birkland, T. (2009). Disasters, catastrophes, and policy failures in the homeland security era. Review of Policy Research, 26 (4), 423-438. Article Burgess, P. (2008). Optimal shift duration and sequence: Recommended approach for short-term emergency response activations for public health and emergency management. American Journal of Public Health, 97 (Supplement 1), S88 – S92. Article Farazmand, A. (2007). Learning from the Katrina crisis: A global and international perspective with implications for future crisis management. Public Administration Review, 67 (Supplement D), 149-159. Article Ireland, B. (2008, June). Disaster planning: Is your firm prepared for the next wildfire, tornado, or hurricane? Electrical Construction and Maintenance, 107 (6), 40-48. Article Landy, M. (2008, December). Mega-disasters and federalism. Public Administration Review, 68 (Supplement), S186 – S198. Article O’Hanlon, M. (2005). The role of state and local governments in homeland security: Testimony for the Senate committee on homeland security and governmental affairs. Brookings Institution. Article Reese, S. (2005). State and local homeland security: Unresolved issues for the 109th Congress. CRS report to Congress RL32941. Website U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (2008). Annexes from the national response framework. Website U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (2008). National incident management system. Website U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (2008). National response framework.

Academic help online

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