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Write a 1,750- to 1,950-word paper by developing and elaborating on the outline and answering the questions below to formulate the paper.

Explain how your learning atUniversityofPhoenixhas contributed to your definition of justice. Explain the origins of your definition. Discuss how you intend to promote your definition in your intended career.

Explain the current selected practices. Would everyone agree that these practices demonstrate justice? If not, explain why. If so, might these practices occasionally result in an injustice? Explain your answer.

What are some changes provoked by 9/11? Are the changes positive or negative? Are the changes worthwhile or unnecessary? Were the changes met with resistance by professionals in the field? Were the changes met with resistance by the public? Explain efforts taken to overcome any resistance. Would these changes have occurred without such a drastic triggering event? Explain.

Explain your reasons for identifying the challenges. Were there other challenges you considered? What were these? How do you suggest the component handle the challenges it faces?

What is your prediction for the future of this component? Support your prediction with references from scholarly publications.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Include a minimum of three professional references.

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