NETW 584 Telecom Law and Regulation

NETW 584 Telecom Law and Regulation
NETW 584 Telecom Law and Regulation – DeVry

NETW 584 Week 2 Course Project: Topic Proposal

– A cover page (including your name, course name, and title of your paper).

– A second page briefly (three sentences or less) describing the area of telecommunications policy you will be studying and addressing in your paper. There are many, many topics to choose from. Here are a few examples:

NETW 584 Week 3 Course Project, Outline

You will hand in the outline for your course project.

NETW 584 Week 5 Course Project: Bibliography/Reference

You should have your research complete, and be ready to hand in your references. Submit a comprehensive bibliography. An APA formatted list of at least five references that you will use for your paper.

NETW 584 Week 7 Course Project: Complete Final Paper

Complete Course Project due.

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