Innovationin HIMS”

Innovationin HIMS”

Compare and contrast the functionality and efficiency of the complaint-push model and data-pull model within the process of health care service delivery. Recommend a strategy improving the effectiveness of each method for delivering patient care.
Determine a significant aspect of a complex health care system that represents barriers to a more rapid diffusion of HIT. Next, suggest how these barriers can be removed or minimized. Support your rationale.
“HIT Management and Implementation”
Determine a key process in the delivery of health care services that would be more efficient and effective through the application of a specific model of HIT. Support your response.
Analyze the barriers to the implementation of HIMS in a complex adaptive system (CAS). Propose a strategy to help reduce the level of resistance from the clinical staff during a transition from CAS to HIMS innovations. Provide a rationale to support your response.

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