Hi I’m finishing an history class this week, and I forgot we had an essay to write. I have not time, because I am working the entire weekend. Can anyone help me?

Hi I’m finishing an history class this week, and I forgot we had an essay to write. I have not time, because I am working the entire weekend. Can anyone help me?

Hi I’m finishing an history class this week, and I forgot we had an essay to write. I have not time, because I am working the entire weekend. Can anyone help me?
The essay is based on the Sinclair novel, The Jungle. The essay should be 4-5 pages in length, double spaced and typed. Your essay will not be accepted if it contains more than five (5) spelling errors. Your thesis is completely up to you but if you are stuck and need help developing a thesis you can go to www.sparknotes.com and type in “The Jungle.” You then go under the Essay Topics list and can choose from any of the essay prompts as the basis for y our thesis. If you want to know what your essay should “look like” (structure, citations etc) you should follow a basic academic essay structure (introduction, thesis, body paragraphs, conclusion + parenthetical references to the text, e.g., (Sinclair, 47), (Nash, 45), etc. You should include citations from both Nash and the novel itself (Sinclair) in support of your analysis. You may also include citations from Zinn and the Biography of America series. Please also include in-text citations from these sources as well, e.g., (Zinn, ch 4, par 5) and (BOA, 12, 4 mins)

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