Explain how the works of art fit into the context of the time period. Keep in mind that only art works that fit into the period of Middle Ages–Renaissance (created between 1350–1520 CE) will be accepted. You are required to comply with APA-style format

Explain how the works of art fit into the context of the time period. Keep in mind that only art works that fit into the period of Middle Ages–Renaissance (created between 1350–1520 CE) will be accepted. You are required to comply with APA-style format

Explain how the works of art fit into the context of the time period. Keep in mind that only art works that fit into the period of Middle Ages–Renaissance (created between 1350–1520 CE) will be accepted. You are required to comply with APA-style format

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For your Individual Project assignment, you will compare and contrast a work of art in a specific classification (Renaissance or Gothic) appearing on a Web site with a work of art in your textbook of the same classification. You can choose 2 Renaissance paintings, 2 Renaissance sculptures, or 2 Gothic Cathedrals to discuss (2 works in total). You may not discuss works that you have already discussed in another assignment.

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