Complete a annotated bibliography for your Research Paper. You are required to find ten references, five of which need to be scholarly, and provide annotations for all ten. All references must be cited in APA format. An approximate length for this bibliography is between 1–3 pages. Submit this assignment in a Word document.

Complete a annotated bibliography for your Research Paper. You are required to find ten references, five of which need to be scholarly, and provide annotations for all ten. All references must be cited in APA format. An approximate length for this bibliography is between 1–3 pages. Submit this assignment in a Word document.

This is an assignment that has two parts the first part is
done by 8th of February at 1700 eastern standard time
And the rest of the assignment needs to be done by the 18th of February 2015at 1500 eastern standard time pay attention to the instruction as for I want it done just like what I provided. I also want it PLAGERIZED FREE and ON TIME!!!! Failure to do so will result in a full refund. If Understood I will confirm a handshake.

1st Part Due on February 6th 2015 at 1500 eastern standard time…

Complete a annotated bibliography for your Research Paper. You are required to find ten references, five of which need to be scholarly, and provide annotations for all ten. All references must be cited in APA format. An approximate length for this bibliography is between 1–3 pages. Submit this assignment in a Word document.

2nd Part Due on February 18th 2015 at 1500 eastern standard time…

Instructions and Guidelines to follow

Identify a significant historical event that occurred between 1945 and 2008 that has had positive and/or negative consequences (e.g. the Truman Doctrine, the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War, 9/11, the war in Afghanistan, etc.), and defend your selection as a significant contemporary event. The paper should include the following.

•Identify and describe the historical event.

•Analyze the historical and contemporary causes of the event.

•Analyze different historical interpretations of the event.

•Evaluate the positive and negative outcomes of the event.

The Final Paper should be 8–10 pages in length and use proper APA formatting.

Instructions and Guidelines to follow

Thesis: Thesis statement includes author’s assertion on topic; purpose clearly established and sustained; details effective, specific, relevant; may contain order of main points;

Content & Organization: Clear intro, body, conclusion; writing structured to enhance meaning; developmental paragraphs contain a specific topic sentence that unifies with the thesis and at least 3 support sentences that are specific facts, examples, reasons, statistics, etc, and a concluding sentence; smooth, seamless transitions;

Sentence Fluency and Voice: Variation in pacing, sentence structure, and length that adds interest, flow to text; strong control over simple and complex sentence structures. Papers are individual, personal, and compelling.

Grammar Conventions and Presentation: Few or no mechanical, grammatical, or usage errors; varied and skillful use of conventions; little or no need for editing. Consistent paragraphing.

Citations: Reference list and in-text citations are present and correctly formatted in APA style.

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