Choose at least two primary sources to analyze from one of the chapters we’ve read this semester. After reading them carefully, write a 3-page paper that explains the significance of the sources and how they relate to the secondary readings in that chapter

Prompt: Choose at least two primary sources to analyze from one of the chapters we’ve read this semester. After reading them carefully, write a 3-page paper that explains the significance of the sources and how they relate to the secondary readings in that chapter. Your papers should make an argument about each of the primary sources based on the following questions:
Who wrote this source?
What is the perspective of the author? Can you see bias in the source?
What does the source tell us about when it was written?
How does the source connect to the secondary readings in the chapter?

Additional notes:

Essays should be 3 pages long (12 pt. font, double-spaced)
Your papers should be well organized, clearly written, and free from spelling and grammatical errors
See the grading rubric on the reverse for additional details

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