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What type of collection vehicle would you recommend? What capacity truck would be appropriate (available truck capacities are 14, 16, and 20 yd)? Is once-per-week collection suitable for this community? You have been hired as a consultant for a small town (population of 12,000) that wishes to begin a municipal program for solid waste collection. The community wants to collect wastes once per week. What type of collection vehicle would you recommend? What capacity truck would be appropriate (available truck capacities are 14, 16, and 20 yd)? Is once-per-week collection suitable for this community?
AnswerWhat type of collection vehicle would you recommend? What capacity truck would be appropriate (available truck capacities are 14, 16, and 20 yd)? Is once-per-week collection suitable for this community? You have been hired as a consultant for a small town (population of 12,000) that wishes to begin a municipal program for solid waste collection. The community wants to collect wastes once per week. What type of collection vehicle would you recommend? What capacity truck would be appropriate (available truck capacities are 14, 16, and 20 yd)? Is once-per-week collection suitable for this community?

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