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2 Part
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Outline and describe the roles and responsibilities of management, supervisors, and employees in construction safety. How is accountability critical for each of the three levels? As a safety professional, how would you mitigate accident prevention for employees?
Your essay should be at least 500 words in length and include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response.
All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Treat each question as a separate paper please
Question 2

State the major components of a safety and health plan, describe each component, and discuss how you would structure each component of the plan on a construction site that you are in control. Use the Safety and Health Program Evaluation Checklist as a guide to aid in structuring your plan.
Your essay should be at least 500 words in length and include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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