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Review this assignment prior to reviewing the other related assignments that lead up to the final assignment described here: The Public Health Issue Brief You will write a public health issue brief that addresses a current health issue of public health importance. You will build this brief throughout the semester. The final brief will include an introduction that makes a case for why the topic is important and a literature review of recent current events, mass media stories and peer-reviewed articles that focus on the various determinants of health and/or ecological levels related to the health issue. You will conclude the brief by summarizing what is known about the topic based on your review. The introduction should take the form of a clear argument that identifies who will be able to use the findings from your public health issue brief and how. This section should include citations to evidence to support your argument. The introduction should also include a clear statement of purpose that identifies the specific area of literature that will be reviewed in your brief. Evidence cited in the introduction itself can come from a variety of credible sources; you do not need to restrict yourself to just peer-reviewed journal articles. The literature review should contain the most relevant sources based on the stated purpose of the brief. You must use a minimum of 8 credible sources. Three of the sources must come from peer-reviewed journals; the remaining sources may include current new articles, mass media stories and credible websites (and not exclusively websites). You should create conceptual subtopics within your review by clustering together information that addresses similar concepts. Please use headings to organize your paper into subtopics. One idea for organizing your review is to use the various determinants of health and/or ecological levels related to the health issue. Make sure to focus on the actual findings that are most relevant to your topic, and include basic information about the article that will help your reader understand the nature of the evidence being reported. Avoid summarizing other portions of the article, such as the authors’ introduction, literature review, or discussion section. Your task is to extract relevant data and information from the sources, organize it, and make meaning of it in your own, unique way based on the specific purpose you have for reviewing the literature. The brief should end with a conclusion that summarizes the major findings of your brief. An effective summary will concisely recap for the reader what is known about the topic. Your brief should be no more than 6-8 pages long, excluding the cover sheet and references page. Please do not exceed the page limit. Use one-inch margins, 12-point font, and double space your text. Upload your assignment through Canvas as a Word attachment. Please review the rubric below to see how I will assess your brief: Criteria Points Possible Introduction makes a focused and clear argument about who can use the findings from the public health issue brief and how with citations to evidence to support the argument. The writing is compelling and makes the reader care about the topic. 5 Introduction includes a statement of purpose that identifies the specific area of literature that will be reviewed. 3 Literature review contains at least 8 credible sources; 3 of those studies come from peer-reviewed journals. Sources selected for the review are clearly related to the stated purpose of the brief. 12 Literature review is conceptually organized into subtopics that cluster together information that addresses similar concepts. Subtopics are clearly identified with the use of headings. 6 Review highlights actual findings that are most relevant to the topic, and include basic information about the issue. The reader understands the nature of the evidence being reported. The review presents relevant data and information. The author has made meaning of it in his/her own, unique way based on the specific purpose for their public health issue brief. 10 The brief ends with a conclusion that summarizes the major findings of the brief. Summary concisely recaps what is known about the topic. 4 The entire brief is well organized and written (clear, concise, minimal use of passive voice, free of typos, spelling, punctuation, and other grammatical errors). 8 APA citation method is used for all sources. Formatting of citations and references page are correct. 2


Public Health Issue Brief: Outline Assignment
Your outline will have 2 major components: 1) an introduction and 2) a review of the literature organized into subtopics. (NOTE: You are not required to include a conclusion at this point in time for the outline, but make sure to include one in your final public health issue brief.) All evidence should be cited with proper APA format. Make sure you include a properly formatted References page. Please write in full sentences (10 points). You will use the Introduction text (and any feedback you received on it or updates you have made to it) to create the introduction portion of the outline. Recall that sources cited in the introduction do not need to be peer-reviewed articles. Sources cited in the literature review, however, must include at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles, and a total of 8 credible sources overall. Upload your assignment through Canvas as a Word attachment (in the appropriate lesson week). Please review the rubric below so you know how I will evaluate your outline: Criteria Points Possible Introduction makes a compelling case for why the topic is important, which leads to a specific argument about who can use the findings from the public health issue brief and how. Introduction identifies the specific area of literature that will be focused on in the literature review portion of the paper. Introduction has been updated/edited from initial draft. 2 Literature review outline contains at least 8 credible sources that are clearly related to the purpose of the brief. At least 3 of the sources cited are from peer-reviewed journals. 2 Literature review outline clearly identifies subtopics created by clustering together information that addresses similar concepts. 2 A brief summary (two sentences maximum) of the sources that will be reviewed in the literature review are listed under each subtopic. Summary briefly identifies and focuses on the actual findings from the study that are most relevant to the subtopic. Summary should clearly highlight how this source is related to your health issue. 2 Outline is written in full sentences and free of typos and errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Citations and References page are in proper APA format. 2 TOTAL 1

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