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For this assignment, you need to visit the National Archives Experience. Historians typically use two types of materials, secondary source, and primary source documents. Secondary sources are typically books and articles written on a particular historical event, well after the fact. Primary source documents are usually generated by first-hand participants. Good historians rely heavily on original materials created at the time of the event. For this reason, historians spend a good deal of time at the archives. There are many types of archives, but by far, the largest in the United States, is the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

The National Archives contains more than 10 billion documents, and they have collected over 1,200 of those in the National Archives Experience. After you have opened the above link, click on “continue” in the bottom right corner. This will take you to the Experience site. Here, you can select a topic, and collect documents relevant to that aspect of history. The system will then allow you to create posters, or even a video.

There are a number of ways that you can complete this assignment. Once you have collected your documents, you can create three posters, a video, a PowerPoint, or use them as evidence for writing a 3-5 page essay. Naturally, you will need some other information, and you can gather that through the internet, or other books and articles. It is best to avoid using textbooks.

Poster Option:
Must include a minimum of one relevant image or document for each poster.
Each poster must include a narrative that explains the historical significance.
Video Option:
Must include a minimum of five relevant images or documents.
Video must include a narrative that explains the historical significance.
PowerPoint Presentation: (The National Archives will not allow you to download their images. To complete the powerpoint you will need to collect your images from the internet. Be sure to cite all images collected elsewhere.)
Must include a minimum of five slides.
Presentation must include a narrative that explains the historical significance.
Project Assignment Rubric
Paper Option:
If you are writing a paper, it must be double-spaced (Times New Roman, font size 12), and include a cover page with your name, course number and course title, instructor’s name, and date.
Paper should include a thesis statement, and a narrative and conclusion that defends that argument.
Paper Option Guidance:
Written Assignment Guidance
Written Paper Rubric

You are allowed to choose your own topic as long as it pertains to the subject of this course. If you have any questions on the subject matter, please contact your professor. This is your opportunity to look a little deeper at a subject that interests you.

All information must be cited. You are welcome to use APA, or MLA, but if you are a history major, you are strongly encouraged to us the Chicago Style format

Once completed, you should post a copy of your project in the Assignments’ section, as well as the forum reserved for that. The Project is due on Sunday by 11:55 PM, ET. You are also responsible for responding to the submissions of three of your classmates by the following Sunday at 11:55 PM, ET.

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