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I need help writing a paper for my Philosophy in the Humanities class. Please follow the listed instructions below. The philosophers to choose from are Socrates, Plato, or John Stuart Mill. I would prefer to use socrates as the example for this paper. I need this paper my midnight tonight and please submit it directly to me.

Choose a single philosopher that we’ve studied and evaluate his/her axiology, metaphysics, and epistemology. Then write a 500-750 word essay that discusses each of these fields by including the following:

a. A discussion of his/her position

b. A comparison of that position to another philosopher whom we’ve studied

c. An analysis by you of which philosopher in your estimation maintains the most cohesive worldview, and why.

d. Conclude

Submission: In this assignment, you will write 500-750 word essay, not including the title or reference pages, and include an introduction with a thesis statement and a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence supported by 3-5 sentences that offer additional details, explanation, and examples. The essay should be free of errors in grammar, sentence structure, and other mechanics.

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