Academic help online

Academic help online
Question 1
An easy way to help your nerves before a speech is to:
A. Avoid bright rooms
B. Avoid overeating.
C. Avoid your audience
D. Avoid caffeine
10 points
Question 2
One thing that could help you develop your speaking skills is to master the ____.
A. Technical
B. Metaphor
C. Mundane
D. Obvious
10 points
Question 3
According to Andrew Dlugan, incorporating humor is a bad idea when giving a public speech.
10 points
Question 4
Arguably the most popular type of speech out there is:
A. Humorous
B. Persuasive
C. Ceremonial.
D. Motivational
10 points
Question 5
Every good speaker knows that you have to be perfect in order to succeed.
10 points
Question 6
What is a trick that you personally will work on to overcome public speaking anxiety?
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10 points
Question 7
One thing not to do when preparing to write your speech is:
A. Jot down notes as they hit you.
B. Do some research
C. Go with a topic you know so no extra preparation is required.
D. Relax and delve into positive visualization.
10 points
Question 8
Ceremonial speeches are also known as _____________ speech.
A. Honorable
B. Acceptance
C. Epideictic
D. Repetitive
10 points
Question 9
Give three examples of a ceremonial speech
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10 points
Question 10
Identification and magnification are two techniques of epideictic speech.
10 points
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Academic help online

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